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You’re Hired! – an Employer’s Guide

Getting a job is a priority.

There are all kinds of advice and tips out there on how to perfect your interview, and how you can impress your potential employer.

What can you as an employer do to make sure that you hire the perfect employee?

Yes, nobody’s perfect, but it is key to strive for the closest thing to it. Here are some quick fire questions you need to ask when you’re going through the applications.

Is the potential employee competent and capable?
The most important thing that you need to make sure of is that the individual is skilled in the necessary fields, has the relevant experience, and is educated to successfully complete tasks at hand. Also, is it possible that the individual will go the extra mile to deliver outstanding service? She or he should want to grow with the company, and possibly take on more responsibilities as time passes.

Will he or she fit in with the company, and fellow employees?
The potential employee should be compatible with your company- he or she shouldn’t add unnecessary tension to the work environment, and should be able to get along with his or her colleagues. Test the individual’s responses to various questions based on race, sex, age, and culture, and to fictional scenarios. Teamwork is also a daily occurrence- hence it is of extreme importance.

Will he or she be committed to the company?
Is the applicant just looking for any job, or does he or she want to add to your establishment, and grow within your company. It is important that he or she show the need to develop as an employee if the application is successful.

It is ultimately your decision to hire the applicant that you think most deserves the job, you must however think of the long-term implications for your company, as well as the individual’s potential.