we will do it together

The Skype Interview – A ‘How To’

A few years ago, if you had a job interview in a different city, or country, you’d have had to travel there, at your own cost. Today, with the help of modern technology, and the global internet village, a skype interview can take place between two people in different cities, provinces, and even countries, without spending as much as a cent- other than on good data coverage.

Skype is a social platform that originated as an internet meeting place where families, and friends, from across the world could communicate at face time, without having to wait for emails to be delivered and read. Hence it is one of the leading tools used by companies when recruiting and interviewing candidates from across the globe.

As with any interview a skype interview included preparation is key- just because you won’t be physically sitting in front of them does not mean you shouldn’t be at your best. Here are some handy tips.

1. Make that first impression count.

  • Make some effort in how you dress for the skype interview- look sharp and professional.
  • Make sure you’re groomed- ladies, hair out of the face and minimal make-up, you don’t want to look like a white page on their screen. Gents, shave and style your hair in a simple yet sleek manner.
  • Be sure to find a respectable background. Don’t sit in front of a bar or next to the T.V.- find a clean, minimally decorated room with good lighting and minimal to no noise.

2. Be clear and concise.

  • Warm up ahead of time in order to make sure you speak in a clear manner. Practice annunciation and don’t drink or eat anything during the process, unless it’s a glass of water.
  • When questions are asked, don’t be too hasty. Relax yourself and take them as they come. Think before you speak- remember, they can let you go with the touch of a button.

3. Be on time.

  • Whether you’re travelling there in person, or connecting to Skype, be sure to make your preparations and be on time.